Friday, September 23, 2011


I have always been one of those people who is very polarized on how I can accept things. Either I accept it really easy or not at all. I have tried to become more centered and less black white but it takes time and effort. This thought was brought up after my dad was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer in July. He arrives back to Calgary Saturday and I am still having issues accepting it. At first it was easy to cry and mourn but as the initial shock has worn off I find myself in limbo, a sort of going through the actions of belief but not truly believing phase. I guess it may just be hard to accept that in mere months the man who has largely defined who I am may be gone. Sure he will live on in our thoughts and memories but the phone call about how to do such and such on the car, house or pretty much anything hands on will not be available. The person I call anytime I have big news will be gone.

At least we have a few more tomorrows to create memories and hope the tomorrows continue.

1 comment:

  1. I was just over here at your blog a week or so ago Tim, looking to see if you wrote up anything about this year's TR. And now I see this. I am so sorry to hear this news about your father. I cannot imagine. May you enjoy every moment you have with him and I wish you peace and acceptance in what surely will be tough days ahead.
